Victor Ruela


Hello! This website showcases my main projects and interests, hope you like it :)

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About me

I am a Control and Automation Engineer who graduated from UFMG with a Data Science specialization and a Master’s degree in optimization at UFMG (PPGEE). With 5+ years of experience in Industrial IT in the steelmaking and mining industries, I have practical experience with machine learning, optimization, and software engineering/architecture applied to industrial problems. Solid skills in Python, C#, Web development (HTML/CSS/React/Typescript), SQL, operations research, mixed integer programming, non-linear optimization, and machine learning.


Checkout some of my projects!

  1. Redes Neurais Artificiais 2020/2 - PPGEE
  2. Computação Evolucionária 2020/1 - PPGEE
  3. Otimização em Redes 2020/1 - PPGEE
  4. Real-time optimization (Master’s thesis) - PPGEE
  5. VSB Power Line Fault Detection - Kaggle
  6. Tenesse Eastman Process Anomaly Detection using LSTM Autoencoders - Kaggle


Blog Posts


2021 Conference on Control and Automation Technology - CCTA

Investigation of Initial Data and Optimizer in Real-Time Optimization Performance via Modifier Adaptation with Gaussian Processes

Contact information